Formaldehyde-inactivated toxins, called toxoids, are useful in preparing vaccines.
can lysogenize Corynebacterium diphtheriae. Strains of C. diphtheriae that carry this phage are
pathogenic, whereas those that lack the phage are nonpathogenic.
b. Endotoxins: These are heat-stable, LPS components of the outer membranes of gram-negative (but
the outer leaflet of the outer membrane.
The lipid A is responsible for the toxicity of this molecule. The main physiologic effects of LPS
complement, and activation of the coagulation cascade. Death can result from multiple organ failure.
by LPS but usually not as severe.
Section I– Microbiology Introductory By Dr. Mohammed Ayad
factors. Examples of host response–mediated pathogenesis are seen in diseases such as gram-negative
bacteria sepsis, tuberculosis, and tuberculoid leprosy.
The tissue damage in these infections is caused by various cytokines released from the lymphocytes,
pathogen is to change its surface antigens.
expressed surface antigen by genetic recombination with one of many variable unexpressed DNA
Section I– Microbiology Introductory By Dr. Mohammed Ayad
Initial treatment may be empiric, based on the microbiologic epidemiology of the infection and the
more of the following five basic laboratory techniques:
1- Direct microscopic visualization of the organism
2- Cultivation and identification of the organism
3- Detection of microbial antigens
4- Detection of microbial DNA or RNA
5-Detection of an inflammatory or host immune response to the microorganism
recently swam in the Nile has an increased risk of schistosomiasis. Patient occupations may suggest
positive coccus in the spinal fluid of a newborn infant is unlikely to be Streptococcus pneumoniae
generation cephalosporin (such as Cefotaxime or ceftriaxone) or vancomycin.
microscopic examination of patient specimens, such as sputum, urine, and CSF.
without waiting for the results of a culture, as in the spinal fluid specimens.
to microscopic evaluation. The most common and useful staining procedure is the Gram stain, which
organisms retain the stain, whereas gram-negative species lose the stain, becoming colorless.
Section I– Microbiology Introductory By Dr. Mohammed Ayad
Mycoplasma, cannot be identified using the Gram stain)).
the microorganism can be definitively identified.
discrepancy may suggest the presence of either fastidious organisms (bacteria with complex nutrient
requirements) that are unable to grow on the culture media employed or fragile organisms, such as
gonococcus or anaerobic organisms, which may not survive transport.
relative number of infecting organisms.
visualization with the Gram stain requires greater than 104
organisms /ml of the specimen.
Liquid samples with low numbers of microorganisms (for example, in CSF), require centrifugation to
concentrate the pathogens, the sediment is then examined after staining.
clinical samples from patients suspected of having Mycobacterium infection.
Potassium hydroxide preparation
sputum or skin scraping is treated with 10 % KOH, and the specimen is examined for fungal forms.
Section I– Microbiology Introductory By Dr. Mohammed Ayad
blood agar plate in search of group A β-hemolytic Streptococcus.
Certain pathogens are very slow growing (for example, M. tuberculosis). Microorganisms isolated in
reactions on solid media, odor, and metabolic properties, also pure cultures provide samples for
antimicrobial susceptibility testing.
Strict aerobes cannot survive in the absence of oxygen and produce energy only by oxidative
anaerobes have mechanisms to protect themselves from oxygen (therefore, being able to grow in its
presence or absence) but do not use oxygen in their metabolism.
2-Second approach employs selective media that only allow growth of specific bacterial species from
Section I– Microbiology Introductory By Dr. Mohammed Ayad
larger quantities of a culture of bacteria that have already been isolated as a pure culture.
supports the growth of most gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria isolated from human sources.
Haemophilus influenzae and Neisseria gonorrhoeae are highly fastidious organisms. They require
chocolate agar, which contains red blood cells (RBCs) that have been lysed.
dinucleotide (“V” factor), required by these organisms.
1- The culture medium is inadequate
2- The incubation conditions do not support bacterial growth
Selective media: The most commonly used selective medium is MacConkey agar, which supports the
organisms and some fastidious gram-negative bacteria, like Haemophilus and Neisseria species.
Growth on blood agar and chocolate agar but not MacConkey agar suggests a gram-positive isolate or a
fastidious gram-negative species. On the other hand, most gram-negative rods often form distinctive
colonies on MacConkey agar. This agar is also used to detect organisms able to metabolize lactose.
Clinical samples are routinely plated on blood agar, chocolate agar, and MacConkey agar. Hektoen
Thayer-Martin agar is another selective medium composed of chocolate agar supplemented with
flora. This medium is normally used to isolate Gonococci.
When submitting samples for culture, the physician must alert the laboratory to likely pathogens
whenever possible, especially when unusual organisms are suspected. This allows inclusion of
selective media that might not be used routinely.
The most widely used identification scheme involves determining the morphologic and metabolic
properties of the unknown bacterium and comparing these with properties of known microorganisms.
identification tests with pure bacterial isolates grown from a single colony.
Section I– Microbiology Introductory By Dr. Mohammed Ayad
Single enzyme test for bacterial identification
Different bacteria produce varying spectra of enzymes; e.g., some enzymes are necessary for the
bacterium’s individual metabolism, and some facilitate the bacterium’s ability to compete with other
bacteria or establish an infection.
be performed on organisms already grown in culture and often provide presumptive identification.
1) Catalase test: The enzyme catalase catalyzes the degradation of hydrogen peroxide to water
and molecular oxygen (H2O2 → H2O + O2). Catalase positive organisms rapidly produce
bubbles when exposed to a solution containing hydrogen peroxide. The catalase test is key in
differentiating between many gram-positive organisms; e.g., Staphylococci are catalase positive,
whereas Streptococci and Enterococci are catalase negative. The production of catalase is an
important virulence factor because H2O2 is antimicrobial, and its degradation decreases the
ability of neutrophils to kill invading bacteria.
2) Oxidase test: The enzyme cytochrome c oxidase is part of electron transport and nitrate
metabolism in some bacteria. The enzyme can accept electrons from artificial substrates (such as a
phenylenediamine derivative), producing a dark, and oxidized product. This test assists in
differentiating between groups of gram-negative bacteria. Pseudomonas aeruginosa; e.g., is
3) Urease: The enzyme urease hydrolyzes urea to ammonia and carbon dioxide (NH2CONH2 +
H2O → 2NH3 + CO2). The ammonia produced can be detected with pH indicators that change
color in response to the increased alkalinity. The test helps to identify certain species of
Enterobacteriaceae, Corynebacterium urealyticum, and Helicobacter pylori.
4) Coagulase test: Coagulase is an enzyme that causes a clot to form when bacteria are
incubated with plasma. The test is used to differentiate Staphylococcus aureus (coagulase
positive) from coagulase-negative Staphylococci.
Automated systems for bacterial identification
Microbiology laboratories are increasingly using automated methods to identify bacterial pathogens;
as in the Vitek System, small plastic reagent cards containing micro liter quantities of various
biochemical test media in 30 wells provide a biochemical profile that allows for organism
and a photometer intermittently measures color changes in the card that result from the metabolic
The data are analyzed, stored, and printed in a computerized database. There are many commercial
variants of these automated systems and several can be used for simultaneous identification and
antimicrobial susceptibility determination.
Tests based on the presence of metabolic pathways (API; analytical Profile Index)
These tests measure the presence of metabolic pathways in a bacterial isolate, rather than a single
enzyme. Commonly used assays include those for oxidation and fermentation of different
Section I– Microbiology Introductory By Dr. Mohammed Ayad
system for rapid identification of members of the family Enterobacteriaceae and other gram-negative
bacteria makes use of twenty micro tubes containing substrates for various biochemical pathways. The
particular substrate. The results are compared with a data bank containing test results from known
bacteria. The probability of a match between the test organism and known pathogens is then
Immunological bacterial identification
In the diagnosis of infectious diseases, immunologic methods take advantage of the specificity of
antigen–antibody binding, as known antigens and antibodies are used as diagnostic tools in
of a pathogen in a patient’s body fluids, is frequently useful. Immunologic methods are useful when
the infecting microorganism is difficult or impossible to isolate or when a previous infection needs
I- Detection of microbial antigen with known antiserum
microbial culturing techniques, these immunologic methods do not permit further characterization of
1. Quellung reaction: Some bacteria having capsules can be identified directly in clinical specimens
by a reaction that occurs when the organisms are treated with serum containing specific antibodies.
The Quellung reaction makes the capsule more refractile and thus more visible, but the capsule does
and Neisseria meningitidis groups A and C.
2. Slide agglutination test: Some microorganisms, such as Salmonella and Shigella species, can be
identified by agglutination (clumping) of a suspension of bacterial cells on a microscopic slide.
Agglutination occurs when a specific antibody directed against the microbial antigen is added to the
suspension, causing cross-linking of the bacteria.
II-Identification of serum antibodies
Detection in a patient’s serum of antibodies that are directed against microbial antigens provides
evidence for a current or past infection with a specific pathogen; and it characterized by:
1) Antibody may not be detectable early in an infection
Section I– Microbiology Introductory By Dr. Mohammed Ayad
Techniques such as complement fixation and agglutination can be used to quantitate antimicrobial
1. Complement fixation: It is the older method but still useful method for detecting serum
antibody directed against a specific pathogen employs the ability of antibody to bind complement.
A patient’s serum is first incubated with antigen specific for the suspected infectious agent,
followed by the addition of complement. If the patient’s serum does contain immunoglobulin
(IgG or IgM) that target the specific antigen (indicating past or current infection), then the added
complement will be sequestered in an antigen–antibody–complement complex (“complement
Then the sensitized (antibody-coated) indicator sheep RBCs are added to the solution. If
complement has been fixed (because the patient’s serum contained antibodies against the added
antigen), then little complement will be available to bind to the antibody–RBC complexes, and the
If complement has not been depleted by initial antigen–antibody complexes (because the patient’s
RBC complexes, causing the cells to lyse. As hemolyzed RBCs release hemoglobin, the reaction can
be monitored with a spectrophotometer.
pathogen is difficult or dangerous to culture in the laboratory. This test measures the ability of a
used to evaluate patients suspected of being infected by Brucella abortus or Francisella tularensis.
3. Direct hemagglutination: Antibodies directed against RBCs can arise during the course of various
serum from a patient infected with such an organism, antibodies to RBC antigens can be detected. The
patient’s antibodies cause the RBCs to clump. This test is, therefore, a direct hemagglutination
reaction. In the case of some diseases, including pneumonia caused by Mycoplasma pneumoniae, IgM
auto antibodies may develop that agglutinate human RBCs at 4o C but not at 37o C ((termed the “cold
Other tests used to identify serum antigens or antibodies
can be visually observed; such methods are used to rapidly test CSF for antigens associated with
common forms of bacterial or fungal meningitis. When antigen is coated onto the latex bead,
antibody from a patient’s serum can be detected. Latex agglutination tests are widely used for the
identification of β-hemolytic Streptococci group A.
2. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay:
Section I– Microbiology Introductory By Dr. Mohammed Ayad
the first antibody. After incubation, the wells are again washed, removing any unattached antibody.
Attached to the second antibody is an enzyme, which, when presented with its substrate, produces a
antigen, the wells are washed, and a secondary antibody (that recognizes the initial antibody)
for the bound enzyme is added to the well, and the intensity of the colored product can be measured.
3. Fluorescent-antibody tests: Organisms in clinical samples can be detected directly by specific
antibodies coupled to a fluorescent compound such as fluorescein. In the direct Immunofluorescence
antibody technique, a sample of concentrated body fluid (like CSF or serum), tissue scraping (like
The labeled antibody bound to the microorganism absorbs ultraviolet light and emits visible
fluorescence that can be detected using a fluorescence microscope. A variation of the technique, the
indirect Immunofluorescence antibody technique, involves the use of two antibodies. The first is
unlabeled antibody (the target antibody), which binds a specific microbial antigen in a sample; and
this clinical sample is subsequently stained with a fluorescent antibody that recognizes the target
antibody. Because a number of labeled antibodies can bind to each target antibody, the fluorescence
from the stained microorganism is intensified.
The most widely used methods for detecting microbial DNA fall into three categories:
1) Direct hybridization (non-amplified assay)
2) Amplification methods using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
Although not likely to completely replace culture techniques in the near future, nucleic acid–based
tests for the diagnosis of infectious diseases are gaining wider acceptance.
Direct detection of pathogens without target amplification
This highly specific method of pathogen detection involves identification of the DNA of the pathogen
molecule) containing a complementary sequence of bases. In bacteria, DNA sequences coding for 16S
ribosomal RNA sequences (rRNA) are commonly used targets because each microorganism contains
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