


Thursday, October 13, 2022



Maxillary first molar

• Long axis tilts buccally when viewed from the front.

• Long axis is tilted distally when viewed from the side.

• Only the mesiopalatal cusp contacts the horizontal plane.

Maxillary second molar

• Long axis tilts buccally more steeply than the first molar when

viewed from the front.

• Long axis tilts distally more steeply than the first molar when

viewed from the side.

• All the four cusps are short from the horizontal plane but the

mesiopalatal cusp is more close to it.

Mandibular posterior teeth (fig. 7-18)

Mandibular first premolar

• Long axis tilts slightly lingually when viewed from the front.

• Long axis is parallel to the vertical axis when viewed from the front.

• Lingual cusp is closer to the horizontal plane than the buccal cusp

which is 2 mm above the plane.

FIGURE 7-18 Arrangement of the mandibular posterior teeth

in relation to the maxillary teeth.

Mandibular second premolar

• Long axis tilts slightly lingually when viewed from the front.

• Long axis is parallel to the vertical plane when viewed from the


• Both buccal and lingual cusps are 2 mm above the horizontal plane.

Mandibular first molar

• Long axis tilts slightly lingually when viewed from the front.

• Long axis tilts slightly mesially when viewed from the side.

• All the four cusps are above the horizontal plane with the buccal

and distal cusps being higher than the mesial and lingual cusps.

Mandibular second molar

• Long axis of the tooth tilts lingually, slightly more than the first

molar when viewed from the front.

• Long axis of the tooth tilts mesially, slightly more than the first

molar when viewed from the side.

• All the cusps are above the horizontal plane and higher than the

first molar; also, the buccal and distal cusps are higher than the

mesial and lingual cusps.



Modiolus is defined as ‘the area near the corner of the mouth where eight

muscles converge that functionally separates the labial vestibule from the

buccal vestibule’. (GPT 8th Ed)

Modiolus is the meeting place of eight muscles, which forms a

distinct conical prominence at the corner of the mouth. The word

modiolus is derived from Latin and means ‘hub of wheel’ (Fig. 7-19).

FIGURE 7-19 Modiolus is a muscular knot which is formed

by eight muscles.

Following are the muscles meeting at the modiolus:

(i) Zygomaticus

(ii) Quadratus labii superioris

(iii) Caninus (levator anguli oris)

(iv) Mentalis

(v) Quadratus labii inferioris

(vi) Triangularis (depressor anguli oris)

(vii) Buccinator

(viii) Risorius

All these muscles merge into the orbicularis oris which determines

their functioning.

Importance of modiolus

• Modiolus becomes fixed when the buccinators contract while


• Contraction of the modiolus presses the corner of the mouth against

the premolars such that the occlusal table is closed in the front.

• Because of this action, food cannot escape out of the mouth when

crushed by the premolars and the molars.

• It contributes to denture stability.


Phonetics is defined as ‘the movement and placement during speech of the

organs that serve to interrupt or modify the voiced or unvoiced air stream

into meaningful sounds’ or ‘the study of speech sounds, their production,

combination and their representation by written symbols’.

Components of speech

Speech is divided into six components as follows:

Respiration: During speech, the inhalation phase is shortened and the

exhalation phase is prolonged.

Phonation: Speech requires multitude of positions, varying tension,

vibratory cycles and intricate coordination of the vocal folds with

other structures.

Resonation: The pharynx, the oral cavity and the nasal cavity act as

resonating chamber by amplifying some frequencies and muting

others, thus refining tonal quality.

Articulation: The velopharyngeal mechanism proportions the sound

and/or air stream between the oral and nasal cavities and influences

voice quality (or the basic sound) that is perceived by the listener.

• Amplified, resonated sound is formulated into

meaningful speech by the articulators, namely, the

lips, tongue, cheeks, teeth and palate.

Neurological integration: Speech is integrated by the central nervous

system both at the peripheral and central levels.

Audition or the ability to receive acoustic signals is

vital for normal speech.

• The successful performance of these functions is

necessary for the production of acceptable speech.

• All speech sounds are made by controlling air.

Classification of Speech Sounds

(i) Labial sounds (e.g. b, p, m)

(ii) Labiodental sounds (e.g. f and v)

(iii) Dental and alveolar sounds (e.g. th, t, d, n, s, and z)

(iv) Palatal sounds (e.g. year, vision, onion)

(v) Velar (posterior sounds, e.g. k, g, ng)

Role of phonetics in complete denture patient

Denture thickness and peripheral Outline

• Unduly thick denture bases cause incorrect phonation and loss of tone

due to decrease of air volume and loss of tongue room in the oral


• The production of the palatolingual group of sounds involves contact

between the tongue, and the palate, the alveolar process or the


• With the consonants ‘T’ and ‘D’, the tongue makes firm contact with

the anterior part of the hard palate, and is suddenly drawn

downwards, producing an explosive sound; any thickening of the

denture base in this region may cause incorrect formation of these


• When producing the ‘S’, ‘G’ (soft), ‘Z’, ‘R’ and ‘L’ consonants sounds,

contact occurs between the tongue and the most anterior part of the

hard palate, including the lingual surfaces of the upper and lower

incisors to a slight degree.

• In case of the ‘S’, ‘C’ (soft) and ‘Z’ sounds, a slit-like channel is formed

between the tongue and palate through which the air hisses.

• If the artificial rugae are overpronounced, or the denture base is too

thick in this area, the air channel will be obstructed and a noticeable

lisp may occur as a result.

• To produce the ‘Ch’ as in church and ‘J’ as in judge sounds, the

tongue is pressed against a larger area of the hard palate, and in

addition makes contact with the upper alveolar process, bringing

about the explosive effect by rapidly breaking the seal thus formed.

• The ‘Sh’ sound is similar in formation, but the air is allowed to

escape between the tongue and palate without any explosive effect,

and if the palate is too thick in the rugae region, it may impair the

production of these consonants.

Vertical dimension

• The formation of the labial sounds such as ‘P’, ‘B’ and ‘M’ are made

at the lips.

• With ‘P’ and ‘B’ sounds, the air pressure is built behind the lips and

released with or without voice sounds, whereas in ‘M’ sound, lip

contact is passive.

• For this reason, ‘M’ sound can be used as an aid in obtaining the

correct vertical dimension because a strained appearance during lip

contact, or the inability to make contact, indicates that the bite

blocks are occluding prematurely.

• With the production of ‘Ch’ (soft), ‘S’ and ‘J’ sounds, the teeth come

very close together, if the vertical dimension is excessive, the

dentures will actually make contact as these consonants are formed,

and the patient will most likely complain of ‘clicking teeth’.

• If the distance is too large, then the vertical dimension established is

too small.

Occlusal plane

• The labiodentals, ‘F’ and ‘V’, are made between the upper incisors

and the labiolingual centre to the posterior one-third of the lower


• If the occlusal plane is set too high, the ‘v’ sound will be more like

an ‘f’ sound.

• If on the other hand, the plane is too low, the ‘f’ sound will be more

like a ‘v’ sound.

• The incisal edges of the central incisors contact the lower lips in a

proper position as the patient says ‘fifty-five’.

Anteroposterior position of the incisors

• Anteroposterior positioning of the teeth is very critical in the

production of some sounds.

• Anteroposterior position of the anterior teeth and thickness of the

labial flange can affect the sounds of ‘b’ and ‘p’.

• In setting the upper anterior teeth, consideration of their labiopalatal

positions is necessary for the correct formation of the labiodental

sounds such as ‘F’, ‘V’ and ‘Ph’.

• If they are placed too far palatally, they will contact the lingual side

of the lower lip when ‘f’ and ‘v’ sounds are made.

• During making of dental sounds such as ‘th’, ‘this’, ‘that’, if 3 mm of

the tip of the tongue between the upper and lower incisors is not

visible, then anterior teeth are placed too far forward.

• Alveolar sounds such as ‘t’, ‘d’, ‘n’, ‘s’ and ‘z’ are produced when

the tip of the tongue contacts the anterior part of the palate or the

lingual side of the anterior teeth.

• If teeth are placed too far lingually, ‘t’ will sound as ‘d’.

• Similarly, if the anterior teeth are set too far anteriorly, ‘d’ will

sound as ‘t’.

• ‘S’ sound is made when the tip of the tongue contacts the alveolus in

the area of the rugae with the small space for the escape of air

between the tongue and the alveolus.

• The size and shape of this small space determine the sound quality.

• If the space is broad and thin, the ‘s’ sound will develop as ‘sh’.

• If the space is too small, a kind of whistle will result.

Postdam area

• Errors of construction in this region involve the vowels ‘I’ and ‘E’

and the palatolingual consonants ‘K’, ‘NG’, ‘G’ and ‘C’ (hard).

• In the latter group, the air blast is checked by the base of the tongue

being raised upward and backward to make contact with the soft


• A denture which has a thick base in the postdam area, or that edge

is finished square instead of tapering, will probably irritate the

dorsum of the tongue, impeding speech.

• Indirectly the postdam seal influences phonation, for if it is

inadequate the denture may become unseated during the formation

of those sounds having an explosive effect, requiring the sudden

repositioning of the tongue to control and stabilize the denture.

Width of dental arch

• If the teeth are set to an arch which is too narrow, the tongue will be

cramped, thereby, affecting the size and shape of the air channel.

• This results in faulty phonation of consonants such as ‘T’, ‘D’, ‘S’,

‘M’, ‘N’, ‘K’, ‘C’ and ‘H’, where the lateral margins of the tongue

make contact with the palatal surfaces of the upper posterior teeth.

• Therefore, it is important to place the lingual and palatal surfaces of

the artificial teeth in the position previously occupied by the natural


Prosthetic considerations

• Speech problems are usually identified immediately after prosthetic


• Speech adaptation to new complete dentures normally takes place

within 2–4 weeks after insertion.

• If maladaptation persists, special measures should be taken by the

dentist or by a speech pathologist.

• When new prostheses are to be made for these patients, certain

difficulties in learning new motor acts may delay and obstruct the


• Consequently, a virtual duplication of the previous denture’s arch

form and polished surfaces, especially the palate of the maxillary

denture, will ensure a minimal period of postinsertion speech


• Old dentures may be of guidance when designing new ones and, if

necessary, a virtual copy of the denture could be made.

• This procedure will frequently solve problems that may arise due to

speech and adaptation difficulties.

Characterization of denture

Characterization is defined as ‘to alter by application of unique markings,

indentations, colouration and similar custom means of delineation on a tooth

or dental prosthesis thus enhancing natural appearance’. (GPT 8th Ed)

Characterization of teeth

• R.E. Lombardi (1973) stated that arrangement of central incisors

reflected the patient’s age, lateral incisor reflected the patient’s sex

and the canine’s reflected the patient’s vigour or personality.

• Frush JP and Fischer RD (1958) advocated that dentogenics

influences tooth arrangement, shade and teeth selection.

• Teeth can be characterized to enhance aesthetics by crowding or

tilting the mandibular anterior teeth.

• The best guide to characterize denture is an old photograph or old

cast of the patient with natural teeth.

Characterization of the denture base

• Aesthetics of the denture base has direct influence on the facial


• Frush and Fisher (1957) recommended convex, round and shortened

papilla in the elderly.

• They also advocated exposure of more of the cervical root portions

of the denture teeth in older patients.

• Finer stippling along the lighter base shade was recommended for

women, whereas heavy stippling with rougher base shade was

recommended for men.

• Interdental papilla and the muscle attachment areas are preferred

with deeper shades of red to enhance aesthetics.

• To characterize the denture base correct festooning, careful stippling

and custom staining are recommended.

• Various shade guides for denture base materials are available or can

be made.

• E. Pound and S.C. Choudhary suggested the use of diagram to map

out areas to be stained with different shades of colour.

• R.M. Morrow (1986) recommended use of five shades in different

areas of denture base:

(i) Basic pink is used over hard tissue such as attached


(ii) Light red is used for papilla and muscle


(iii) Medium red is used sparingly.

(iv) Purple is used sparingly in heavily pigmented


(v) Brown is used for heavily pigmented gingiva.

Key Facts

• Space of Donders is the space that lies above the dorsum of the

tongue and below the hard and soft palates when the mandible and

tongue are in the rest position.

• Silverman’s speaking space is the space that occurs between the

incisal and/or occlusal surfaces of the maxillary and mandibular

teeth during speech.

• For most of the patients, the average speaking space is 1.5–3 mm.

• Patients with class II occlusion have larger speaking space, i.e. 3–6


• Patients with class III occlusion have reduced speaking space, i.e.

about 1 mm.

• Palatogram is the graphic record of the area of the palate contacted

by the tongue during speech.

• Size of the artificial teeth is determined by the size of the face,

interarch space, length of lips, skeletal jaw relation, amount of

resorption and size of the anterior arch from cuspid-to-cuspid.


Concept of occlusion


Introduction, 148

Definitions, 149

Evolution of Anatomic and Semi-Anatomic Teeth, 149

Evolution in the Development of Anatomic and

Semi-Anatomic Teeth, 149

Evolution of Nonanatomic Teeth, 150

Evolution in the Development of Nonanatomic

Teeth or Cuspless Teeth, 150

Complete Denture Occlusion, 151

Basic Requirements for Complete Denture

Occlusion, 152

Lingualized Occlusion Concept, 152

Definition, 152

Indications, 153

Advantages, 153

Disadvantages, 154

Neutrocentric Occlusion or Monoplane Occlusal Scheme, 154

Advantages, 155

Disadvantages, 155

Spherical Occlusion, 155

Definition, 155

Limitations, 155

Balanced Occlusion, 155

Definition, 155

Requirements for Balanced Occlusion, 156

Advantages, 156

Unilateral Occlusal Balance, 156

Bilateral Occlusal Balance, 156

Protrusive Occlusal Balance, 157

Lateral Occlusal Balance, 157

Concepts of Balanced Occlusion, 157

Condylar Inclination, 159

Definition, 159

Incisal Guidance, 160

Plane of Orientation, 161

Cuspal Inclination, 161

Compensating Curve, 162

Types of Teeth, 164

Anatomic Teeth, 164

Nonanatomic teeth, 164


Occlusion in complete dentures involves the contact between the

occlusal surfaces of the teeth in both static and functional movements.

These contacts have definitive role in the stability, chewing efficiency,

comfort and aesthetics of the dentures.


Occlusion is defined as ‘the static relationship between the incising or

masticating surfaces of the maxillary or mandibular teeth or tooth analogues’.

(GPT 8th Ed)

Articulation is defined as ‘the static and dynamic contact relationship

between the occlusal surfaces of the teeth during function’. (GPT 8th Ed)

Balanced articulation is defined as ‘a continuous sliding contact of

upper and lower cusps all around the dental arches during all closed grinding

movements of the mandible’. (GPT 8th Ed)

The differences between natural and artificial occlusions are given

in Table 8-1.




Natural Occlusion Artificial Occlusion

Natural teeth function independently of each other and each

tooth disperses the occlusal load

Artificial teeth function as a unit and occlusal

load is dispersed over the entire unit

Nonvertical forces are well tolerated and affect only the teeth

that are involved

Lateral or nonvertical forces affect all the

teeth on the base and can traumatize the

underlying tissues

Incising with anterior teeth will not affect the posterior teeth Incising with the anterior teeth can destabilize

the denture posteriorly

Second molar is the favoured area for heavy mastication for

better leverage and power

Heavy mastication over the second molar can

shift or tilt the denture base, if they are on

inclined plane

Bilateral balance is not necessary and may cause hindrance in

proper function

Bilateral balance is necessary, as it increases

the stability of the denture

Malocclusion can be uneventful for a long time Malocclusion poses immediate problems

involving all the teeth and the base

Proprioceptive impulses give a feedback mechanism to No such mechanism exists in denture patient;

avoid the occlusal prematurities; it can help the patient to

attain habitual centric

any occlusal prematurity can destabilize the


Natural teeth are retained by the periodontal ligaments which

are uniquely innervated and structured

The denture rests on the moist and slippery


Evolution of anatomic and semianatomic teeth

Evolution in the development of anatomic and

semi-anatomic teeth

1914: Dr Alfred Gysi is credited for designing the first anatomic

porcelain tooth with 33° cusp angle. These teeth were called

‘trubyte’, which had transverse ridges for providing occlusion with

tight interdigitation.

1922: Victor Sears designed a ‘channel tooth’. In this, deep channels

were created in the maxillary occlusal surface mesiodistally which

ran through the entire length of all the four posterior teeth. The

lower posterior teeth were reduced to almost half the buccolingual

width of the anatomic tooth. The teeth were almost a single central

ridge which contacted the maxillary channel teeth to provide an

unlimited protrusive glide (Fig. 8-1).

1927: Gysi introduced a modified ‘crossbite’ posterior teeth. In his

modification, the maxillary buccal cusp was almost eliminated

resulting in a prominent lingual cusp occluding into the lower

anatomic tooth. He described the modification as ‘mortar and pestle’

action of this occlusal scheme.

1930: Avery Brothers introduced ‘scissor-bite tooth’. The posterior teeth

were modified anteroposteriorly by grinding steps on the surface of

the teeth. The angle of these steps was modified by the condylar

inclination. The modified occlusal surfaces were meant to shear the

food in lateral excursions (Fig. 8-2).

1932: Pilkington and Turner developed anatomic posterior tooth with

slightly shallower cusp angle of 30°. Their tooth was called

Pilkington–Turner tooth.

1935: F.H. French and Universal Dental Company developed a modified

posterior tooth. The maxillary tooth had a central groove running

mesiodistally with shallow buccolingual inclines to reduce the

lateral thrust.

1936: H.F. McGrane marketed ‘curved cusp posterior tooth’. These teeth

were designed to lock anteroposteriorly and be free laterally. These

were intended to shear food in harmony with the lateral condylar

guidance determined by Bennett angle.

1937: Max Pleasure proposed the occlusal scheme which modified the

position of the lower posterior teeth more buccally. This enables the

forces to be directed lingually, favouring the stability of the lower


1941: Sir Howard Payne introduced the concept of lingualized occlusion.

1942: John Vincent used metal inserts in the resin posterior teeth. The

metal inserts protruded from the middle third of the posterior

occlusal surfaces with shallow buccal and lingual cusps protruding

beyond the metal inserts. These teeth opposed the French

mandibular posteriors. With wear of the teeth, the heaviest chewing

forces were concentrated in the centre of the denture to minimize

the tipping of the denture.

1957: Myerson FLX ‘freedom in lateral excursion’ posteriors when

properly arranged resulted in balanced occlusal contacts.

1961: M.B. Sosin replaced the maxillary second bicuspid and first and

second molars with cleat-shaped vitallium forms called cross blades.

The patient was made to chew wax in the lower. The indentation

was converted into gold and was cured with the denture (Fig. 8-3).

1977: B. Levin modified cross blade teeth in the upper row by reducing

their size.

FIGURE 8-1 Sear’s channel type posterior teeth.

FIGURE 8-2 Avery Brother’s scissor-bite teeth.

FIGURE 8-3 Sosin’s cross blade posterior teeth.

Evolution of nonanatomic teeth

Evolution in the development of nonanatomic

teeth or cuspless teeth

1929: R.Hall was the first to introduce nonanatomic teeth. He called it as

‘inverted cusp tooth’. This design has flat occlusal surface with sharp

concentric ridges which provided efficient shredding of the food.

The only drawback was that the food was clogged into the

depressions as no escape ways were provided.

1929: R.L. Myerson designed a cuspless tooth and called it ‘true cusp’. It

has series of transverse buccal lingual ridges with sluiceways

between them.

1934: Nelson designed nonanatomic teeth and called them ‘chopping

block’. The ridges on the mandibular teeth ran transversely and on

the maxillary teeth ran mesiodistally. This provided an efficient

chopping and shredding of food (Fig. 8-4).

1939: M.G. Swenson designed posterior tooth called ‘nonlock’. These

were flat teeth with sluiceways for efficient shredding and clearing

of food from the occlusal table.

1946: I.R. Hardy developed nonanatomic teeth with metal inserts in

upper and lower teeth with vitallium occlusal. Narrow zigzag

vitallium ribbon was inserted on the occlusal surfaces running

mesiodistally. This established a narrow, flat, convoluted metal

surface that was slightly higher than the encapsulating resin. This

metal-to-metal contact provided efficient cutting ability (Fig. 8-5).

1951: Myerson Tooth Corporation introduced the first cross-linked

acrylic tooth in a flat occlusal scheme and called it ‘shear–cusp tooth’.

These teeth were of higher wear-resistant quality.

1952: W.A. Cook introduced Coe masticators. In this, the second

premolar and the first molar had flat stainless steel casting with the

holes on the occlusal surfaces that opened to a port on the buccal

surface. However, food used to clog these ports and was very

difficult for the wearer to clean it.

1957: W. Bader designed a ‘cutter bar’ scheme. In this scheme, the upper

porcelain cuspless teeth were opposed by metal cutting bar

replacing second premolar, first molar and second molar.

1967: J.P. Frush advocated a scheme called ‘linear occlusal concept’. The

flat maxillary ridge opposed the flat lower ridge with a single

mesiodistal ridge.

FIGURE 8-4 Nelson’s chopping blocks.

FIGURE 8-5 Hardy’s vitallium occlusal teeth.

Complete denture occlusion

The term occlusion is referred to describe static contacts of the teeth

that exist after the jaw movement has stopped and the tooth contacts

are identified.

V.H. Sears (1952) has laid down the following guidelines to plan

complete denture occlusion:

• Smaller the occlusal surface, lesser will be the force transmitted to

the supporting structures.

• Vertical forces applied to the inclined occlusal plane result in

nonvertical forces on the denture base.

• Vertical forces applied to the inclined supporting tissues result in

nonvertical forces on the denture base.

• Vertical forces placed outside the crest of the ridge cause tipping of

the denture.

• Vertical forces on the denture base resting on the flabby tissues

produce leverage forces resulting in instability of the denture.

Basic requirements for complete denture


• It should provide stability of occlusion in the centric and eccentric


• It should provide bilateral balanced occlusal contact in all eccentric


• It should provide freedom in movement of the cusp mesiodistally to

allow for gradual settling of denture on ridge resorption.

• Buccolingual cuspal height should be decreased to reduce the

horizontal forces on the dentures.

• It should have efficient cutting, penetrating and shearing occlusal


• It should provide functional lever balance.

• It should have sharp ridges or cusps and sluiceways for increased

masticatory efficiency.

• It should provide anterior incisal clearance during posterior contact

functions such as mastication and bruxism.

These basic requirements can be fulfilled, if any occlusal scheme is

divided into the following units:

(i) Incisal

(ii) Working

(iii) Balancing

Requirements for incising units

• Incising units should be sharp to enhance the cutting efficiency.

• These should be out of contact during mastication.

• These should have as shallow or flat incisal guidance as possible for

better aesthetics and speech.

• These should have adequate overjet to permit denture base settling.

• These should contact during protrusion.

Requirements for working units

• Working units should enhance the cutting and grinding efficiency.

• These should have reduced buccolingual width to decrease the

forces transmitted to the supporting tissues.

• These should contact simultaneously during chewing and eccentric


• These should be positioned over the crest of the ridge for better

lever balance.

• These should transmit the forces vertically to the supporting


• These should centre the occlusal load to the anteroposterior centre

of the denture.

• These should have occlusal plane parallel to the mean foundation

plane as closely as possible.

Requirements for balancing units

• Balancing units should contact the second molar during protrusion.

• These should contact along with the working side at the end of the

chewing cycle.

• These should provide smooth gliding contacts during lateral and

protrusive excursions.

Concepts in Occlusion

Different occlusal concepts in complete dentures are:

• Bilateral balanced occlusion

• Monoplane/neutrocentric occlusion

• Lingualized occlusion

• Spherical occlusion

• Organic occlusion

• Physiologically generated occlusion

Lingualized occlusion concept


This is defined as ‘this form of denture occlusion articulates the maxillary

lingual cusps with the mandibular occlusion surfaces in centric working and

nonworking mandibular positions’. (GPT 8th Ed)

• A. Gysi was the first to report the biomechanical advantages of

lingualized tooth forms in 1927.

• Gysi designed and patented ‘crossbite posterior teeth’ in 1927.

• Lingualized occlusion concept was first described by Sir Howard Payne

in 1941.

• E. Pound and G.R. Murrell (1973) also advocated this concept of


• Earl Pound coined the term lingualized occlusion (1970).

• It is an attempt to maintain the aesthetic and food penetration

advantages of the anatomic form while maintaining the mechanical

freedom of the nonanatomic form.

• This concept utilizes anatomic teeth for the maxillary denture and

modified nonanatomic or semi-anatomic teeth for the mandibular


• Anatomic posterior teeth with prominent lingual cusp are used for

maxillary denture.

• Nonanatomic or semi-anatomic teeth are used for mandibular

posterior teeth denture.

• Narrow occlusal table.

• Maxillary lingual cusps should only contact in centric position (Fig.


• Maxillary buccal cusp was not allowed to contact the mandibular

teeth in centric or eccentric positions.

• Balancing and working contacts only at upper lingual cusps (Fig. 8-


FIGURE 8-6 Lingualized occlusion in centric position.

FIGURE 8-7 Lingualized occlusion with balancing and

working side contacts.


• It is helpful when the patient places high priority on aesthetics but a

nonanatomic occlusal scheme is indicated by severe alveolar


• It is indicated for class II jaw relationship or displaceable supporting


• It is indicated in the cases where complete denture opposes a

removable partial denture.

• It is indicated for patients with flabby ridge coverings.


• It provides cross-arch balance.

• It improves denture stability.

• It decreases lateral contact because maxillary lingual cusps provide

sole contact with mandibular posterior teeth.

• It minimizes the damaging lateral forces.

• It is a simpler technique.

• Bilateral balance can be obtained.

• Adjustments can be done easily.

• It can be used in class II and class III jaw relationships.

• Upper teeth maintain aesthetics.

• Vertical forces are centralized on the mandibular teeth, resulting in

increased stability of the denture and maintenance of the

supporting hard and soft tissues.


• It is less natural than the cusp tip to fossa occlusion.

• It results in decreased masticatory efficiency as maxillary buccal

cusp does not contact the mandibular teeth.

Neutrocentric occlusion or monoplane

occlusal scheme

• This concept maintains that the ‘anteroposterior plane of occlusion

should be parallel with the plane of the denture foundation and not dictated

by the horizontal condylar guidances’.

• M.M. DeVan gave the concept of neutrocentric occlusion in 1955.

• This concept of occlusion eliminates any anteroposterior or

mediolateral inclines of the teeth and directs the forces of occlusion

to the posterior teeth (Fig. 8-8).

• When teeth are arranged on the plane, these are not inclined to form

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