


Thursday, October 13, 2022

 (iii) Pin pontic

• It is most versatile of the manufactured pontic


• It is used in patients with limited interarch space.

• Here, there are two pins projecting from the

lingual aspect and riveted into gold to aid in


• Good thickness of gold is provided on occlusal or

incisal surface and glazed porcelain provides the

tissue contact.

• It is also called interchangeable pontic.

(iv) Modified all ceramic pontic

• It is also called tube tooth.

• All ceramic crowns are with dowel hole.

• This all ceramic pontic is cemented with gold

casting which contacts the gingival surface.

• It is used where occlusion is favourable.

• It has tendency to fracture and also it cannot be


(v) Modified pin facing (Fig. 22-14)

• Here, additional ceramic is added to the pin

facing to form the saddle area.

• It can be used in the patients with decreased

interarch space.

• Advantage: It is aesthetic, can be easily cleaned,

tissue tolerant and comfortable to the patient.

• Disadvantage: It is time consuming, costly and

difficult to repair.

FIGURE 22-6 Saddle or ridge lap pontic with large concave

contact with the ridge.

FIGURE 22-7 Modified ridge lap with ‘T’-shaped contact with

the ridge.

FIGURE 22-8 Conical or egg-shaped pontic.

FIGURE 22-9 Ovate pontic lies passively in soft tissue

depression of the ridge.

FIGURE 22-10 Hygienic or sanitary pontic.

FIGURE 22-11 Fish belly or conventional sanitary pontic.

FIGURE 22-12 Perel pontic or modified sanitary pontic.

FIGURE 22-13 Trupontic.

FIGURE 22-14 Flatback interchangeable pontic.


Connectors are an essential part of FPD that join the individual

retainers and pontics together. It is defined as ‘the portion of the fixed

dental prosthesis that unites the retainers and pontics’. (GPT 8th Ed)

Requirements for appropriate connector design

• It should be sufficiently large to prevent distortion or fracture

during function.

• It should provide adequate space for effective plaque control.

• Its shape, size and position of connector determine the success of the


• Tissue surface of the connectors should be highly polished.

• Tissue surface of the connector should curve labiolingually to aid in


• In the aesthetic zone, the connectors are usually placed lingually.

Types of connectors

(A) Rigid connectors

• Cast connectors

• Soldered connectors

• Welded connectors

(B) Nonrigid connectors

• Dovetail

• Split pontic

• Cross-pin and wing

(A) Rigid connectors

• These are the most widely and commonly used

connectors in fixed–fixed bridges.

• All the components are rigidly joined.

• Forces are distributed over two or more abutment


(i) Cast connectors

• These are made by flowing wax between the wax

patterns of the retainers and the pontic such that

the bridge is casted in a single unit.

• Advantages:

• These are stronger than soldered or welded


• These are convenient, as they do not require

additional procedure of soldering.

• Disadvantages:

• They have more chances of distortion, especially in

long-span bridges.

• Multiple unit bridges are casted preferably in

several sections and then soldered to get best


(ii) Soldered connectors

• These involve the use of an intermediate metal alloy

whose melting temperature is lower than that of the

parent metal.

• The parts being joined are not melted during

soldering but must be thoroughly wetted by the

liquefied solder.

• Soldering is the process in which the filler metal has

a melting point below 450°C (842°F) and brazing is

the process in which the filler metal has a melting

point above 450°C.

• The recommended width between the two

sectioned surfaces to be soldered is 0.25 mm (Fig.


• Large gap decreases solder accuracy, whereas

smaller gap hinders proper solder flow.

• They are indicated in long-span bridges where

multiple units are involved.

• They are also indicated in cases where pontic and

retainers are made separately (e.g. complete metal

crown retainer joined with metal–ceramic pontic).

(iii) Welded connectors

• It is another method of rigidly joining the metal


• Here, the connection is created by melting adjacent

surfaces by heat or pressure.

• A filler metal whose melting temperature is about

the same as that of the parent metal can be used.

(iv) Loop connectors

• It is used when the diastema is to be maintained in

fixed prosthesis.

• It consists of a loop on the palatal aspect that

connects adjacent retainers and/or pontic.

• It can be casted with sprue wax or made with

platinum–gold–palladium alloy (Pt–Au–Pd) wire.

• Adequate space should be provided for effective

plaque control.

(B) Nonrigid connectors

• It is indicated in cases where stress breakers are

required usually in long-span bridges. It prevents

the pier (middle) abutment from acting as a

fulcrum either buccolingually or occlusocervically.

• It is used in cases where abutment teeth are

nonparallel and single path of insertion is difficult

to achieve.

(i) Dovetail or Tenon–Mortise or Key–Keyway

• This design consists of a keyway or mortise (female

component) prepared on the retainer and key or

tenon (male component) attached to the pontic (Fig.


• This is the most commonly used nonrigid


• The alignment of this design is critical, as it must

parallel the path of withdrawal of the other


• Parallelism is usually achieved by means of a

dental surveyor.

• The mortise (female component) may be prepared

free hand in wax pattern or with a precision milling


• Alternatively, a special mandrel is inserted in the

wax pattern and the abutment retainer is cast.

• The female component is refined as necessary; the

male key is fabricated with autopolymerizing resin

and attached to the pontic.

• Another approach is to use a prefabricated plastic

component for mortise and tenon of a nonrigid



• Normal movement of a tooth is not interfered with

the use of this type of connectors and, therefore, the

deleterious effects to the supporting tissues are


• It is advantageous from an aesthetic point of view,

as it allows simple type of retainers that require less

cutting of tooth structure which results in a more

aesthetic restoration.

• It permits the clinician to finish and cement one

retainer before the rest of the bridge is cemented.

• These do not transmit torsional type of forces from

the bridge to the anterior retainer.

(ii) Split Pontic

• This type of connector was advocated by R.P.

O’Conner, W.F. Caughman and C. Bemis (1986).

• This is used only in cases with a pier abutment,

which requires excessive preparation due to tilting.

• The connector is incorporated entirely within the


• The pontic is split into mesial and distal segments.

• Each of these segments is attached to their

respective retainers.

• First, the mesial segment consisting of mesial

retainer, pontic and pier retainer is fabricated.

• The distal arm of the connector is attached to the

pier retainer and is shaped like tissue contacting

area of the pontic (Fig. 22-17).

• The distal segment is then fabricated with a keyway

to fit over the shoe.

• Surveyor is used to align the two segments.

• Cement is not used between the two segments of

the pontic.

(iii) Cross-pin and wing

• It consists of a two-piece pontic system that allows

the two segments of the bridge to be rigidly fixed.

• It was advocated by F.C. Eichmiller and E.E. Parry

(1994) in cases of tilted abutment.

• Here, the path of insertion of each tooth is made

parallel to its long axis.

• A vertical wing is attached to the mesial surface of

the distal retainer.

• The wing should be fabricated such that it aligns

with the long axis of the mesial abutment.

• The mesial wing along with the distal retainer is

termed as retainer wing component (Fig. 22-18).

• The pontic is attached to the mesial retainer and

designed to fit to the wing in the retainer wing


• The pontic along with the mesial retainer is termed

as the retainer pontic component.

• The retainer pontic component is seated finally.

• After fabricating the retainer wing components,

these are aligned on the working cast and a 0.7 mm

pilot hole is drilled across the wing and pontic

using a twisted drill.

• A rigid pin of 0.7 mm diameter is fabricated using

the same alloy (to avoid galvanic corrosion).

• A pin of 0.7 mm dimension is casted with the same


• The distal retainer and wing assembly are cemented


• Then retainer pontic component is cemented.

• The pin is seated within the pinhole created on the

pontic and wing with the help of a mallet and


FIGURE 22-15 Soldering gap of 0.25 mm is recommended to

allow proper flow of solder.

FIGURE 22-16 Key–Keyway nonrigid connector.

FIGURE 22-17 Split pontic nonrigid connector.

FIGURE 22-18 Cross-pin and wing.

Key Facts

• FPD replaces one or more teeth and is permanently cemented on the

remaining teeth.

• Replacement tooth is called pontic. If pontic is supported only at

one end, it is called cantilever pontic.

• Keyway of the connectors should be placed on the distal side of the

pier abutment so that on mesial movement the key has a seating

effect into the keyway.

• If keyway is placed on the mesial side of the pier abutment, it will

have unseating effect on mesial movement.

• If the tilted molar tooth is mesially and lingually inclined, then

nonrigid connectors should be used.

• Sanitary or hygienic pontic is indicated in posterior region of the

lower jaw, as it provides good access for hygiene maintenance.

• Undersurface of the sanitary pontic is made round for easier

flossing. This design is called fish belly.

• Modified design of sanitary pontic is concave archway

mesiodistally. This design is called arc-fixed partial denture or

Perel pontic.

• Modified ridge lap design is indicated in the high aesthetic zone in

maxillary anteriors and bicuspid region.

• Ovate pontic provides superior aesthetic and is indicated in the

maxillary anterior region and bicuspids.

• Conical or egg-shaped or bullet-shaped or heart-shaped pontic is

indicated in the nonaesthetic zone, i.e. in cases of lower posterior


• Scalloped or trestle design of the connector is desired as the height

of the metal strut is increased incisogingivally in order to enhance

the strength.

• Recommended gap width between two surfaces to be soldered is

0.15 mm and optimum width should be 0.20 mm.

• Borates are used as soldering flux for noble metal alloys and

fluorides are used as soldering flux for base metal alloys.

• The occlusal surface of the pontic should not be more than 85% of

the occlusal surface of the tooth to be replaced.

• Brazing takes place when the melting temperature of the filler metal

is greater than 450ºC.

• Soldered parts should not be quenched immediately, as this will

produce thermal stresses, which lead to distortion.

• The intracoronal retainers are usually contraindicated in young

adults because of high pulp horns.



Diagnosis and treatment

planning in fixed partial denture


Introduction, 333

Common Medical Conditions Which Influence

the Treatment of FPD, 333

Diagnostic Aids Used in Fixed

Prosthodontics, 334

Abutment and Factors Influencing Abutment

Selection, 335

Different Types of Abutments used in Fixed

Partial Denture, 337

Residual Ridge Defects and Their

Management, 340

Periodontal Factors Which Influence Treatment

Planning in Fixed Prosthodontics, 342


A successful fixed partial denture (FPD) depends on the accurate

diagnosis and treatment planning. For this, the patient’s intraoral and

extraoral conditions along with the psychological needs are

thoroughly evaluated. The diagnostic information is collected after

taking a proper medical and dental history and clinically examining

the patient. This information helps in formulating a treatment plan

which best suits the condition of the patient.

Diagnosis is defined as ‘determination of nature of disease’. (GPT 8th


The essential elements which are necessary for proper diagnosis in

fixed prosthodontics are:

• Medical and dental history

• Extraoral examination including TMJ and occlusal evaluation

• Intraoral examination

• Diagnostic casts

• Diagnostic wax-up

• Radiographs

Common medical conditions which influence the

treatment of FPD

There are a number of medical conditions which influence the

treatment in fixed prosthodontics. The most common medical

conditions encountered in dentistry are given below.

Diabetes: A diabetic patient should be under medication and strict

diet supervision of the physician. These patients require proper

education on oral hygiene maintenance, eating habits and tissue rest.

A patient with uncontrolled diabetes is under the risk of:

• Bacterial, viral and fungal infections including candidiasis.

• Xerostomia may cause dry atrophic oral mucosa, inflamed

depapillated, painful tongue.

• Poor wound healing.

• Chronic periodontitis.

• Burning mouth syndrome.

• Insulin shock in patient treated with insulin.

Diabetic patients should be given short appointment which should

not interfere with their meal time.

Cardiovascular diseases: The patients with a history of rheumatic fever

and rheumatic heart disease are at an increased risk of infective

endocarditis. Prophylactic antibiotic is must for such patients. A

patient with pacemakers should be treated with caution. The

patient’s physician should be consulted before performing any

invasive procedure. Short appointment preferably in the morning

should be given. The patients can be premedicated with diazepam

5–10 mg to reduce anxiety. The procedure should not stress the

patient, as stress and anxiety can precipitate angina. Adrenaline

dose in the local anaesthesia should be reduced.

Neurological disorders: The patients with disorders such as cerebral

palsy, Bell palsy or Parkinson disease should be treated with utmost

care. It is difficult for the patient to give adequate interocclusal

record. Such patients have poor dexterity and have difficulty in

maintaining good oral hygiene.

Disease of the skin: Dermatological conditions such as pemphigus

often have oral manifestations that are extremely painful. Invasive

procedures in such patients should be avoided.

Disease of joints: Conditions such as osteoarthritis mainly affects the

weight-bearing joints (e.g. hips, knee and spine). In some cases,

terminal joints such as fingers and TMJ may also be affected. This

condition is more common in females than in males. Osteoarthritis

of TMJ makes the jaw relation recording difficult. Sometimes due to

limited mouth opening, special impression trays or sectional trays

may be required to make impressions.

Radiation therapy patient: The patients who have undergone

radiation therapy tend to develop problems such as mucositis,

muscle contractures, xerostomia and secondary infection such as

candidiasis, loss of taste and in extreme cases osteoradionecrosis.

Diagnostic aids used in fixed prosthodontics

Complete clinical examination along with the use of certain diagnostic

aids is important for accurate diagnosis and treatment planning in

fixed prosthodontics. Some of the diagnostic aids commonly used for

diagnosis and treatment planning in fixed prosthodontics are:

• Diagnostic casts

• Diagnostic wax-up

• Photographs

• Radiographs

• Vitality testing with thermal or electrical stimulation

Diagnostic casts

Diagnostic casts are one of the most vital aids used for accurate

diagnosis and treatment planning. Diagnostic casts are fabricated after

making accurate impressions of both the arches. The impression

material commonly used is irreversible hydrocolloid (alginate). The

casts are mounted on the semi-adjustable articulator after facebow

transfer and accurate interocclusal record.

Accurately mounted diagnostic casts are helpful in assessing the

following characteristics (also refer to Chapter 15):

• The teeth, soft tissue contours, bony undercuts and frenal


• The edentulous ridge and span length

• The interocclusal space

• Location, height, rotation and tilt of the abutment

• Analysis of the occlusion, to assess any premature contact

• Unobstructed view of occlusion from the lingual side

• Assess the occlusal plane

• The available pontic space

• Crown length morphology and vestibular depth

• Gives preview of the aesthetic form

Importance of radiographic interpretation for

successful treatment planning in fixed


Radiographic examination is a crucial diagnostic aid which should be

used as an adjunct to the complete clinical examination. It provides

information which usually is not determined clinically. The findings

from radiographic examination should be carefully correlated with

other findings in order to achieve an accurate and definitive diagnosis.

The radiographs are helpful in detecting the following characteristics

(also refer to Chapter 33):

• Carious lesions, condition of existing restoration

• Quantity and quality of the supporting bone

• Root morphology, crown-to-root ratio

• Any periapical pathology

• Inclination of the abutment tooth

• Pulpal morphology and quality of any previous endodontic


• Retained root fragments, impacted tooth/teeth

• Continuity and integrity of the lamina dura

• Status of periodontal ligament space, calculus deposits

Abutment and factors influencing abutment


Abutment is defined as ‘a tooth, a portion of the tooth or that portion of an

implant used for the support of a fixed or removable prosthesis’. (GPT 8th


Selection of the appropriate abutment is very crucial for the success

of fixed prosthesis. Abutment tooth should be strong enough to bear

the functional forces directed not only to them but also to the missing

teeth/tooth. There are a number of criteria for selecting an appropriate


Criteria for selection

• It should not be mobile.

• It should have a good bone support.

• It should have a good periodontal status.

• It should be healthy without any inflammation.

• It should have adequate amount of coronal tooth structure.

• It should have a favourable crown-to-root ratio.

• It should be vital tooth, if not then an endodontically treated tooth

can be selected.

Factors Influencing Abutment Selection

• Crown-to-root ratio

• Root configuration

• Location, angulation and condition of the abutment

• Root surface area

• Rigidity of FPD

Crown-to-root ratio: This is the ratio between the tooth which is

above the alveolar crest and the portion of the root which is

surrounded by bone. The recommended ratio between the crown

and the root is 2:3 for an ideal abutment. However, minimal ratio of

1:1 may be acceptable for abutment under normal condition. In

cases where the opposing occlusion consists of denture teeth or the

natural teeth which are periodontally weak, crown-to-root ratio

greater than 1:1 may be acceptable but with caution. Longer the

edentulous span, greater the torque on the abutment tooth and

more favourable should be the ratio. Multiple abutments can

sometimes compensate for poor crown-to-root ratio or be useful in

long-span FPDs (Fig. 23-1).

Root configuration: This factor determines the suitability of the

prospective abutment tooth. Multirooted posterior teeth provide

better support than the single-rooted anterior teeth. Posterior teeth

have a broader occlusal table and better bone support than anterior

teeth. Multirooted teeth with divergent roots are advantageous than

teeth with convergent or fused root. Likewise, a single-rooted tooth

with curved root or irregular configuration is preferable to a singlerooted tooth with tapered root (Fig. 23-2).

Condition of the abutment: Healthy abutment tooth is always more

preferred to periodontally compromised or mobile tooth.

Location of the prospective abutment: This is an important factor as

the configuration and the design of fixed prosthesis can be planned

accordingly. Narrow dental arch will be subjected to greater

leverage forces than the wider arch.

Angulation of the abutment: J.M. Reynolds (1968) has suggested that

the abutment tooth should not incline more than 25–30°, as the

tooth is in best position to bear the vertically directed forces along

the long axis of the tooth. If the tooth is severely inclined, the

harmful torquing forces will be distributed to the tooth. Mesially

tilted or distally tilted tooth requires modification in tooth

preparation. The situation can demand more tooth reduction or

even endodontic treatment.

Root surface area: It is also called the pericemental area of the

abutment tooth; this is another important consideration. Larger is

the tooth, more the root surface is available and better it is to bear

the functional forces. Ante’s law is followed as a clinical guideline

to select an appropriate abutment.

FIGURE 23-1 Recommended crown–root ratio.

FIGURE 23-2 Various root configuration of teeth.

Ante’s law

I.H. Ante in 1926 stated that ‘the abutment teeth should have a

combined pericemental area equal or greater than the tooth or teeth to

be replaced’. This statement was referred by J.F. Johnston in 1971 as

Ante’s law (Fig. 23-3).

FIGURE 23-3 Ante’s law – the combined pericemental area

of second premolar and second molar should be greater

orequal to first molar.

Importance of Ante’s law.

Ante’s law helps in evaluating the pericemental area of the abutment

teeth. Larger tooth with greater surface area bears the functional

forces better than smaller tooth with lesser surface area. The root

surface areas of maxillary and mandibular teeth have been reported

by A. Jepsen. The values given by Jepsen may not always be relevant

to the given clinical situation. In the clinical situation, the proposed

abutment tooth may have reduced bone support due to periodontal

reasons. In such cases, the capacity to bear functional forces by this

tooth may be questionable and this should be considered while

making proper diagnosis and treatment planning.

Ante’s law is used as a clinical guideline to plan treatment in fixed

prosthodontics. The recommended crown-to-root ratio is 2:3 and a

ratio of 1:1 is considered minimal to accept the prospective abutment

for FPD. A ratio of 1:1 or more will satisfy Ante’s law. Shorter span

FPD has better prognosis than the longer span dentures. Abutment

tooth should be carefully selected by giving due consideration to the

location, occlusion, angulation, bone support and periodontal status.

In cases of bone loss due to periodontal reasons, mesial or distal

drifting of abutment, endodontically treated tooth, mobility or

unfavourable occlusion, the law can be modified by increasing the

number of abutments.

Rigidity of FPDs: The lack of rigidity of the prosthesis is one of the

major causes of failure. The denture should be rigid and should

have good flexural strength to resist the masticatory forces. Flexure

can have a damaging effect on the abutment, especially in cases of

long-span FPDs.

Different types of abutments used in fixed partial


The type, status and location of the abutment tooth determine the type

of FPD.

Types of Abutments Commonly Used in

Fixed Prosthodontics

• Unrestored or ideal abutment

• Pier abutment

• Cantilevered abutment

• Tilted molar abutment

• Endodontically treated abutment

• Implant abutment

(i) Unrestored or ideal abutment

This type of abutment is a healthy, caries-free,

periodontically sound tooth with adequate clinical

height. It provides best prognosis for fixed

prosthesis. Some desirable features of ideal

abutment are as follows:

• It should be caries-free.

• It should have adequate bone support.

• It should have optimum crown-to-root ratio.

• It should be periodontically healthy.

• It should have sound tooth structure with adequate

enamel and dentin.

(ii) Pier abutment

Pier abutment is defined as ‘a natural tooth located

between the terminal abutments that serve to support a

fixed or removable dental prosthesis’. (GPT 8th Ed)

A pier abutment is a lone standing tooth with

edentulous spaces present both mesially and

distally to it. In long-span FPD where support is

sought from the pier abutment and the adjacent

teeth, there are chances of more stress concentration

around the abutment teeth when rigid connectors

are used. Factors which influence the amount of

stress on the abutment teeth are position of the

abutment in the arch, physiological tooth

movement and retentive capacity of the retainers.

The middle abutment acts as the fulcrum and the

excessive forces transmitted to the terminal

retainers cause the weaker retainer to loosen. This

causes marginal leakage, secondary caries and

ultimately prosthesis failure. In such situations,

nonrigid connectors are recommended which help

in transferring the stresses to the supporting bone

(Fig. 23-4).

The commonly used nonrigid connectors or the

stress-breaking device consists of key and

keyway. The stress-breaking device is usually

placed on the pier abutment. The keyway is placed

on the distal contour of the pier abutment and the key

is placed on the mesial side of the distal pontic. Mesial

movement of the posterior teeth in function results

in proper seating of the key into keyway.

However, nonrigid connectors should be avoided in

situation where the following characteristics are


• The abutment tooth/teeth are mobile.

• The posterior abutment and the pontic are opposed

with removable denture or are unopposed. In such

situations, the posterior teeth tend to supraerupt

thereby unseating the key from the keyway.

(iii) Tilted molar abutment

Molar teeth posterior to the edentulous space tend to

drift mesially into it, if the space is not restored.

Tilted molar tooth, if used as an abutment, makes it

difficult to achieve a single path of insertion. The

situation becomes even more complex, if third

molar is present next to the tilted second molar

tooth. Severely tilted tooth should be avoided, if it

is used as an abutment. However, if only single

tilted tooth is present distal to the edentulous space,

it should be considered as an abutment.

Tilted molar tooth used as an abutment can be

corrected by one of the following methods:

(a) Recontouring or restoration of the mesial

surface of the tilted molar: This is followed in

case of slight tilt.

(b) Orthodontic treatment: If there is severe tilting

of the molar tooth, the treatment of choice should

be orthodontic uprighting of the tilted molar

tooth. This is achieved by using a fixed appliance.

If third molar is present next to the tilted second

molar, it is best extracted to allow distal

movement of the second molar.

(c) Modified partial veneer crown: Mesial half

crown or modified partial veneer crown can be

used as retainers on the tilted abutment tooth.

The distal half of the crown is left unprepared,

whereas the mesial half is prepared to achieve

single path of insertion.

(d) Telescopic crown: It is defined as ‘an artificial

crown constructed to fit over a coping (framework).

The coping can be another crown, a bar or any other

suitable rigid support for the dental prosthesis’. (GPT

8th Ed)

The tilted molar abutment is radically reduced to

fabricate a coping. This coping ensures good

marginal adaptation. A telescopic crown is then

fitted over this coping to get a favourable path of

insertion (Fig. 23-5).

(e) Nonrigid connector: A full veneer preparation is

done for the tilted molar tooth along its long axis.

The mesial abutment is prepared on its distal

surface to form a keyway. An FPD is fabricated to

slide into this keyway. The distal abutment (tilted

molar tooth) has a rigid connector, whereas the

mesial abutment (premolar) has a nonrigid

connector. The nonrigid design should not be

indiscriminately used as its cantilevering effect

produces additional lateral stresses harmful to

the abutment tooth with rigid connector. This

method is more useful, if the molar tooth is tilted

both mesially and lingually. The nonrigid design

is avoided in long-span bridges (Fig. 23-6).

(iv) Cantilevered fixed dental prosthesis

Cantilevered dental prosthesis is defined as ‘a fixed

dental prosthesis in which the pontic is cantilevered, i.e.

is retained and supported only on one end by one or more

abutments’. (GPT 8th Ed)

As this type of design is supported only at one end, it

has the potential to damage the supporting

abutment tooth. The pontic of the cantilevered FPD

acts as a lever which tends to apply harmful

leverage forces to the abutment tooth. The

abutment tooth or teeth supporting a cantilevered

FPD should have the following characteristics:

• Good bone support

• Healthy periodontium

• Favourable crown-to-root ratio

• Long roots with sufficient height of clinical crown

(Fig. 23-7)

Cantilevered FPD can be used to replace maxillary

lateral incisor taking support from the canine and

can be used to replace mandibular first premolar

taking support from the second premolar and the

first molar. The cantilevered pontic should not have

any contact in lateral excursion and should have

light occlusal contact. Posterior cantilevered pontic

should be made of smaller size so as to avoid

excessive forces on the abutments. Cantilevered

FPD should be avoided in periodontically

compromised dentition.

An endodontically treated tooth is contraindicated as

an abutment to a cantilevered FPD, as it is subjected

to fracture because of considerable loss of

significant supporting dentin. However, double

abutment with splinted retainers can be used in

such cases.

FIGURE 23-4 Pier abutment.

FIGURE 23-5 Telescopic coping used on tilted molar to

achieve favourable path of insertion.

FIGURE 23-6 Nonrigid connector given on the distal surface

of premolar to compensate for inclined molar.

FIGURE 23-7 Cantilevered pontic tends to apply leverage

forces to the supporting abutment tooth.

Residual ridge defects and their management

During the intraoral examination, it is very important to assess the

condition of the residual ridge. The shape, consistency, type, location

and the amount of resorption determine the course of treatment in

fixed prosthodontics. Proper assessment of the amount of destruction

of the residual ridge helps in determining the design of pontic.

J.S. Siebert (1983) Classified the Residual

Ridge Defects into the Following Three


(i) Class I: Has a normal ridge height with loss of faciolingual ridge

width (Fig. 23-8).

(ii) Class II: Has a normal faciolingual ridge width with loss of ridge

height (Fig. 23-9).

(iii) Class III: Loss of both ridge height and width (Fig. 23-10).

(iv) Class N: No loss or minimal deformity of the ridge; this category

was later added and was not a part of the original Siebert’s


FIGURE 23-8 Siebert’s class I – normal height, reduced


FIGURE 23-9 Siebert’s class II – reduced height, normal


FIGURE 23-10 Siebert’s class III – reduced height, reduced


Residual ridge defects can be surgically corrected by various

techniques. These techniques are helpful in changing the shape of the

ridge to create an aesthetically acceptable and easy cleanable area.

Techniques Used to Correct Ridge Defects

(i) Soft tissue ridge augmentation

(ii) Interpositional graft

(iii) Siebert’s onlay graft or thick free gingival graft

(iv) Gingival porcelain

(v) Ridge augmentation

(vi) Andrews’ bridge

(i) Soft tissue ridge augmentation: H. Abrams (1980) gave the roll

technique to augment the ridge with soft tissues for class I defects. In

this technique, the palatal epithelium is removed and is rolled back

upon itself in order to thicken the facial aspect of the residual ridge.

Pouch technique can also be used to increase the width of the ridge.

(ii) Interpositional graft: This can be used to correct class II and class

III defects. The epithelium is removed from the facial aspect and then

the pouches are formed into which the connective tissue graft is

inserted. It ensures an increase in the ridge height and is helpful in

treating class II defects.

(iii) Siebert’s onlay graft or thick free gingival graft: It is useful in

treating class III defects, as it increases both the ridge height and the

width. In this technique, the recipient bed is prepared by removing

the epithelium and making striations to induce bleeding. These

induced bleeding points encourage vascularization in the connective

tissues. Onlay graft is then harvested from the palate region of

tuberosity or premolar–molar vault region and is sutured in place. A

temporary crown is placed immediately so as to allow tissue

adaptation during healing. Healing requires around 6–8 weeks.

(iv) Gingival porcelain: Gingival or pink porcelain can be added to

simulate the interdental papilla. It is helpful in mandibular molar and

mandibular incisor region.

(v) Ridge augmentation: This can also be done with allograft material

such as hydroxyapatite, tricalcium phosphate or freezed dried bone.

Ridge defects are usually not filled with these materials until implants

are planned in these sites.

(vi) Andrews’ bridge:

Andrews’ bridge is defined as ‘the combination of a

fixed dental prosthesis incorporating a bar with a

removable dental prosthesis that replaces teeth within the

bar area, usually used for edentulous anterior spaces.

The vertical walls of the bar may provide retention for

the removable component’. (GPT 8th Ed)

This bridge system was first advocated by James

Andrews (1983) to restore large ridge defects (class

II and class III). It is composed of fixed retainers

which are connected by a rectangular bar that

follows the ridge curve. A removable denture is

seated onto the rectangular bar by means of a clip.

This kind of fixed removable prosthesis is indicated

for restoring large vertical ridge defect.

Disadvantages of this system are food lodgement

and plaque entrapment (Fig. 23-11).

FIGURE 23-11 Andrews’ bridge.

Periodontal factors which influence treatment

planning in fixed prosthodontics

There are a number of periodontal factors which can influence the

diagnosis and treatment planning in fixed prosthodontics. Some of

them are:

(i) Periodontitis: It is an inflammatory disease of the gums and is

characterized by pocket formation and bone destruction. It is one of

the common reasons for which the patient may lose one or more teeth

and require fixed prosthodontic treatment. Periodontal therapy is

indicated for a patient with periodontitis. The goals of this therapy are

to resolve inflammation, provide adequate attached gingiva and

convert periodontal pockets to clinically normal sulcular depths.

(ii) Trauma from occlusion: This refers to tissue injury produced by

the functional forces. Clinical signs that suggest trauma from

occlusion are excessive tooth mobility, angular or vertical bone loss,

pathological tooth migration and infrabony pockets.

(iii) Embrasure spaces: The space located below the contact area

between teeth is called the embrasure space. Embrasures deflect the

food at the time of mastication and protect the gingiva from food

impaction. The proximal surfaces of restoration should be designed in

such a way that it does not encroach into the embrasure space or else

it leads to gingival inflammation. Therefore, the restoration should not

be overcontoured or undercontoured.

(iv) Margin placement: Supragingival margins are always

recommended whenever possible for proper periodontal health.

However, subgingival margins are indicated in cases of extension of

caries, pre-existing restoration, areas of cervical erosion and root

fracture or for aesthetic reasons.

(v) Biologic width: A combined width of the connective tissue and

epithelial attachment averaging 2.04 mm is called biologic width. A

minimum dimension of 3 mm to the alveolar crest is necessary for

proper healing and restorations. The width should not be violated, as

it results in attachment loss and ultimately bone loss (Fig. 23-12).

FIGURE 23-12 Schematic diagram representing biologic


Key Facts

• Xerostomia is common to autoimmune disorders such as Sjogren

syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus erythematosus and


• Ante’s law is the abutment teeth should have total pericemental

area equal to or greater than the pericemental area of the tooth/teeth

to be replaced.

• Ideal crown:root ratio is 1:2, optimum or recommended is 2:3 and

minimum ratio is 1:1.

• If edentulous space exists on either side of the abutment tooth, such

tooth is called pier abutment.

• Tilted molar is best uprighted by orthodontic means.

• Root amputation is removal of root without touching the crown.

• Hemisection is a procedure in which tooth is separated through

crown and furcations.

• Radectomy is a process of resection of root.

• Ratio of 1.618:1.0 is called golden proportion and is a constant.

• Andrews’ bridge is indicated when there is large anterior ridge

defect. It is a rectangular bar which is connected to the fixed

retainers and follows the curve of the arch.

• Mandibular first molar is most frequently replaced by FPD.



Design of fixed partial denture


Introduction, 344

Different Designs in Fixed Prosthodontics, 344

Biomechanical Factors Affecting FPD

Design, 345

All Ceramic FPDs, 347

Laminate Veneer, 347

Indications, 347

Contraindications, 347

Advantages, 347

Disadvantages, 348

Crown Preparation, 348

Steps in Tooth Preparation, 348

Rationale of Restoring an Endodontically Treated Tooth and Ideal

Requirements of Post, 348

Functions of a Post, 349

Ideal Requirements of a Post, 349

Prefabricated Posts, 349

Tapered Smooth-Sided Post, 350

Tapered Post with Self-Threading Screws, 350

Parallel-Sided Posts, 350

Carbon Fibre Post, 350

Glass Fibre Post, 350

Quartz Fibre Post, 350

Light-Transmitting Post, 351

Parallel Flexi-Post, 351

Steps Involved in Fabrication of Custom-Made

Dowel Core, 351

Ferrule, 353

Resin-Bonded Bridge, 353

Indications, 353

Contraindications, 354

Advantages, 354

Disadvantages, 354

Spring Retained FPD, 356

Resin Cements Used to Lute FPDs, 357

CAD/CAM Assistance in Fixed

Prosthodontics, 357


One of the most important reasons for success of fixed dental

prosthesis is proper designing of FPDs. It is essential for a clinician to

understand different designs of FPDs, which can be used in a given

clinical situation.

Different designs in fixed


Different designs in fixed prosthodontics are:

• Fixed–fixed partial denture (FPD)

• Resin-bonded tooth-supported FPD

• Implant-supported FPD

• Fixed–removable partial denture

Factors influencing the design of FPD are:

• Crown length

• Crown-to-root ratio

• Root length and form

• Ante’s law

• Periodontal health

• Mobility

• Length of the span

• Arch form

• Axial alignment

• Occlusion

• Pulpal health

• Alveolar ridge form

• Age of the patient

Biomechanical factors affecting FPD design

The major biomechanical factors affecting the design of FPD are:

• Length of edentulous span

• Arch curvature

• Occlusogingival height of the pontic

• Direction of forces acting on FPD

• Number of abutment teeth

(i) Length of edentulous span

• Longer the edentulous span, more will be the load

placed on the abutment tooth.

• As the length of span increases, the destructive

torquing and leverage forces increase on the

abutment tooth.

• Length of the span influences the number of

abutment to be used – Ante’s law can be a useful

guide here.

• Flexion of the FPD is directly proportional to the

cube of length and inversely proportional to the

cube of occlusogingival height of the pontic.

• Two-tooth pontic will show eight times more

flexion than single-tooth pontic.

• Similarly, three-tooth pontic will show 27 times

more flexion than a single-tooth pontic.

(ii) Occlusogingival height of the pontic

• Flexion or bending of FPD can be minimized by

selecting the pontic design with greater

occlusogingival height.

• If the occlusogingival height of the pontic is halved,

it is likely to flex eight times more than the original

height (Fig. 24-1).

• To minimize flexion, the prosthesis can be

fabricated with material having higher modulus of

elasticity (e.g. nickel–chromium alloy).

• The problems encountered in long-span FPD or

unfavourable crown-to-root ratio can be overcome

by using double abutment (primary and


• The secondary abutment should have as much

surface area and favourable crown-to-root ratio as

the primary abutment.

• It should also have retainers as retentive as the

primary abutment in order to bear the forces of

flexion of FPD.

(iii) Direction of forces acting on FPD

• The forces applied on FPD are different in

magnitude and direction as compared to the singletooth restoration.

• Usually all FPDs (long or short) show flexion to

some extent.

• The dislodging forces on the single restoration act in

the buccolingual direction and in cases of FPDs,

these act along the mesiodistal direction.

• In order to counteract these dislodging forces, the

preparation should be modified by providing

multiple grooves to enhance the structural

durability and resistance form.

(iv) Arch curvature

• The curvature of the arch affects the amount of

stresses in FPD.

• If a pontic lies outside the interabutment axis, it acts as

lever arm which produces harmful torquing forces

that may weaken the abutment or facilitate

dislodging of the FPD.

• In order to counteract the torquing forces,

secondary abutment is used in the direction

opposite to the lever arm and the distance between

the interabutment axes should be made equal to the

length of the lever arm.

• For example, when all four maxillary incisors are to

be replaced, the maxillary canine on both the sides

acts as primary abutment and the maxillary first

premolar forms the secondary abutment. The

distance between the primary and secondary

interabutment axes is made equal to the distance

between the primary interabutment axis and pontic

lever arm to best counteract the torquing forces

(Fig. 24-2).

(v) Number of abutment teeth

• Number of teeth to be used as abutment influences

the design of FPD.

• Position of the edentulous span, position of the

abutment teeth which they occupy in the arch and

periodontal health of the teeth influence the design

of FPD.

FIGURE 24-1 If occlusogingival height of pontic is halved, the

flexion of FPD will be eight times greater.

FIGURE 24-2 Distance between primary and secondary

interabutment axes and pontic lever arm.

All ceramic FPDs

In recent times, all ceramic FPDs are becoming popular due to

aesthetic reasons. Although their use was discouraged because of

inferior strength in comparison to metal ceramic FPDs, lots of

materials are tried to fabricate all ceramic FPDs with varied success. In

the past, aluminous porcelain was used to fabricate by connecting

alumina cores with pure alumina rods without much success. Then

leucite-reinforced heat-pressed ceramic was tried but failed due to

inferior strength. Recently introduced In-Ceram zirconia, lithium

disilicate, heat-pressed ceramic and CAD/CAM (computer-aided

designing and computer-aided machining) Procera systems are

becoming popular fast, as they possess adequate strength to be used

successfully in fabricating anterior FPDs. All ceramic FPDs made of

any material should have connectors of dimension 4 × 4 mm in

comparison to metal connectors which require 2 × 3 mm of width.

Disadvantage of this excess width of connector is difficulty in plaque

control. The core material containing 33% of zirconia can provide

adequate strength to be used in posterior FPDs.

Laminate veneer

Laminate veneer is defined as ‘a superficial or attractive display in

multiple layers’.


‘a thin sheet of material usually used to finish’. (GPT 8th Ed)

Laminate veneer is a conservative method to aesthetically restore

the appearance of discoloured or deformed tooth. It consists of thin

ceramic laminate which is luted onto the labial surface of the affected

tooth. Tooth preparation is mostly confined only to the enamel.

• Porcelain veneers were first used by Charles Pincus between 1930

and 1940.

• Laminate veneers evolved with time with the introduction of bisglycidyl methacrylate resins, bonding agents, and acid etch


• Preformed veneers were bonded onto the etched tooth surface and

this procedure is called laminating.

• Using glazed ceramic improved colour stability, abrasion resistance

and was well tolerated by the gingiva.

• Etching the ceramic veneer with hydrofluoric acid improved the

bond strength between the luting agent and the veneer.

• Again incorporation of silane coupling agent improved the shear

bond strength of ceramic veneer and expanded its use.


• Discoloured tooth/teeth

• Teeth with intrinsic staining (e.g. tetracycline stains)

• Enamel hypoplasia

• Diastema closure

• Correction of mild form of malformed anterior teeth


• Patient with poor oral hygiene

• High caries index

• Parafunctional habits

• Extensively restored tooth


• It requires minimal preparation.

• The preparation is confined only to enamel.

• It has superior aesthetics.

• It is wear and stain resistant.


• It is technique sensitive.

• It is expensive.

• There are chances of debonding.

Crown preparation

• Minimal preparation is required and this is confined usually only to

the enamel.

• Finish line is a slight chamfer which is placed at the gingival crest or

slightly subgingivally.

• Minimal thickness for ceramic veneer is about 0.3–0.5 mm.

Steps in tooth preparation

Labial reduction

• Cuts of about 0.3–0.5 mm depth are given.

• Round-end-tapered diamond is used to reduce the labial surface.

• Slight chamfer finish line is created at the level of the gingiva.

Proximal reduction

• It is an extension of the labial reduction proximally.

• Preparation is extended to the gingival crest and into the contact


• The contact area should be left intact.

Incisal reduction

• It involves two techniques of placing incisal finish line.

• In the first technique, there is no incisal reduction and the

preparation of the labial surface ends at the incisal edge.

• In the second technique, the incisal surface is reduced and the

ceramic overlaps the incisal surface and ends on the lingual aspect.

• Ceramic is said to be stronger in compression than in tension, and

therefore, the second technique is preferred.

Lingual reduction

• Lingual finish line is created with round-end-tapered diamond.

• The finish line should be at least 1.0 mm away from the centric


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