


Sunday, October 9, 2022

 Relieving factors Food, antacids, vomiting – Sitting upright –

Severity Mild to moderate Severe Severe Severe

6.3 Non-alimentary causes of abdominal pain

Disorder Clinical features

Myocardial infarction Epigastric pain without tenderness

Angor animi (feeling of impending death)


Cardiac arrhythmias

Dissecting aortic


Tearing interscapular pain

Angor animi


Asymmetry of femoral pulses

Acute vertebral


Lateralised pain restricting movement

Tenderness overlying involved vertebra

Cord compression Pain on percussion of thoracic spine

Hyperaesthesia at affected dermatome with

sensory loss below

Spinal cord signs

Pleurisy Lateralised pain on coughing

Chest signs, e.g. pleural rub

Herpes zoster Hyperaesthesia in dermatomal distribution

Vesicular eruption

Diabetic ketoacidosis Cramp-like pain


Air hunger


Ketotic breath

Salpingitis or tubal


Suprapubic and iliac fossa pain, localised


Nausea, vomiting


Torsion of testis/ovary Lower abdominal pain

Nausea, vomiting

Localised tenderness

98 • The gastrointestinal system


Patients with dysphagia complain that food or drink sticks when

they swallow.

Ask about:

onset: recent or longstanding

nature: intermittent or progressive

difficulty swallowing solids, liquids or both

the level the patient feels food sticks at

any regurgitation or reflux of food or fluid

any associated pain (odynophagia), heartburn or

weight loss.

Do not confuse dysphagia with early satiety, the inability to

complete a full meal because of premature fullness, or with

globus, which is a feeling of a lump in the throat. Globus does

not interfere with swallowing and is not related to eating.

Neurological dysphagia resulting from bulbar or pseudobulbar

palsy (p. 129) is worse for liquids than solids, and may be

accompanied by choking, spluttering and fluid regurgitating

from the nose.

Neuromuscular dysphagia, or oesophageal dysmotility, presents

in middle age, is worse for solids and may be helped by liquids and

sitting upright. Achalasia, when the lower oesophageal sphincter

fails to relax normally, leads to progressive oesophageal dilatation

above the sphincter. Overflow of secretions and food into the

respiratory tract may then occur, especially at night when the

patient lies down, causing aspiration pneumonia. Oesophageal

dysmotility can cause oesophageal spasm and central chest

pain, which may be confused with cardiac pain.

A pharyngeal pouch may cause food to stick or be regurgitated,

and may lead to recurrent chest infections due to chronic silent


Exacerbating and relieving factors

Pain exacerbated by movement or coughing suggests

inflammation. Patients tend to lie still to avoid exacerbating the

pain. People with colic typically move around or draw their knees

up towards the chest during spasms.


Excruciating pain, poorly relieved by opioid analgesia, suggests

an ischaemic vascular event, such as bowel infarction or ruptured

abdominal aortic aneurysm. Severe pain rapidly eased by potent

analgesia is more typical of acute pancreatitis or peritonitis

secondary to a ruptured viscus.

Features of the pain can help distinguish between possible

causes (Box 6.3).

The acute abdomen

The majority of general surgical emergencies are patients with

sudden severe abdominal pain (an ‘acute abdomen’). Patients

may be so occupied by recent and severe symptoms that they

forget important details of the history unless asked directly. Seek

additional information from family or friends if severe pain, shock

or altered consciousness makes it difficult to obtain a history

from the patient. Note any relevant past history, such as acute

perforation in a patient with known diverticular disease. Causes

range from self-limiting to severe life-threatening diseases (Box

6.4). Evaluate patients rapidly, and then resuscitate critically ill

patients immediately before undertaking further assessment

and surgical intervention. Parenteral opioid analgesia to alleviate

severe abdominal pain will help, not hinder, clinical assessment.

In patients with undiagnosed acute abdominal pain, reassess

their clinical state regularly, undertake urgent investigations

and consider surgical intervention before administering repeat


6.4 Typical clinical features in patients with an ‘acute abdomen’

Condition History Examination

Acute appendicitis Nausea, vomiting, central abdominal pain that later shifts to

right iliac fossa

Fever, tenderness, guarding or palpable mass in right iliac

fossa, pelvic peritonitis on rectal examination

Perforated peptic

ulcer with acute


Vomiting at onset associated with severe acute-onset

abdominal pain, previous history of dyspepsia, ulcer disease,

non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or glucocorticoid therapy

Shallow breathing with minimal abdominal wall movement,

abdominal tenderness and guarding, board-like rigidity,

abdominal distension and absent bowel sounds

Acute pancreatitis Anorexia, nausea, vomiting, constant severe epigastric pain,

previous alcohol abuse/cholelithiasis

Fever, periumbilical or loin bruising, epigastric tenderness,

variable guarding, reduced or absent bowel sounds

Ruptured aortic


Sudden onset of severe, tearing back/loin/abdominal pain,

hypotension and past history of vascular disease and/or high

blood pressure

Shock and hypotension, pulsatile, tender, abdominal

mass, asymmetrical femoral pulses

Acute mesenteric


Anorexia, nausea, vomiting, bloody diarrhoea, constant

abdominal pain, previous history of vascular disease and/or

high blood pressure

Atrial fibrillation, heart failure, asymmetrical peripheral

pulses, absent bowel sounds, variable tenderness and


Intestinal obstruction Colicky central abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and


Surgical scars, hernias, mass, distension, visible

peristalsis, increased bowel sounds

Ruptured ectopic


Premenopausal female, delayed or missed menstrual period,

hypotension, unilateral iliac fossa pain, pleuritic shoulder-tip

pain, ‘prune juice’-like vaginal discharge

Suprapubic tenderness, periumbilical bruising, pain and

tenderness on vaginal examination (cervical excitation),

swelling/fullness in fornix on vaginal examination

Pelvic inflammatory


Sexually active young female, previous history of sexually

transmitted infection, recent gynaecological procedure,

pregnancy or use of intrauterine contraceptive device, irregular

menstruation, dyspareunia, lower or central abdominal pain,

backache, pleuritic right upper quadrant pain (Fitz-Hugh–Curtis


Fever, vaginal discharge, pelvic peritonitis causing

tenderness on rectal examination, right upper quadrant

tenderness (perihepatitis), pain/tenderness on vaginal

examination (cervical excitation), swelling/fullness in fornix

on vaginal examination

The history • 99


It may indicate anxiety but sometimes occurs in an attempt to

relieve abdominal pain or discomfort, and accompanies GORD.

Normally, 200–2000 mL of flatus is passed each day. Flatus

is a mixture of gases derived from swallowed air and from

colonic bacterial fermentation of poorly absorbed carbohydrates.

Excessive flatus occurs particularly in lactase deficiency and

intestinal malabsorption.

Borborygmi result from movement of fluid and gas along the

bowel. Loud borborygmi, particularly if associated with colicky

discomfort, suggest small bowel obstruction or dysmotility.

Abdominal distension

Abdominal girth slowly increasing over months or years is usually

due to obesity but in a patient with weight loss it suggests

intra-abdominal disease. The most common causes of abdominal

distension are:

fat in obesity

flatus in pseudo-obstruction or bowel obstruction

faeces in subacute obstruction or constipation

fluid in ascites (accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal

cavity; Fig. 6.6), tumours (especially ovarian) or distended



functional bloating (fluctuating abdominal distension that

develops during the day and resolves overnight, usually

occurring in irritable bowel syndrome).

Altered bowel habit


Clarify what patients mean by diarrhoea. They may complain of

frequent stools or of a change in consistency of the stools. Normal

frequency ranges from three bowel movements daily to once

every 3 days. Diarrhoea is the frequent passage of loose stools.

Steatorrhoea is diarrhoea associated with fat malabsorption. The

stools are greasy, pale and bulky, and they float, making them

difficult to flush away.

‘Mechanical’ dysphagia is often due to oesophageal stricture

but can be caused by external compression. With weight loss,

a short history and no reflux symptoms, suspect oesophageal

cancer. Longstanding dysphagia without weight loss but

accompanied by heartburn is more likely to be due to benign

peptic stricture. Record the site at which the patient feels the

food sticking; this is not a reliable guide to the site of oesophageal

obstruction, however.

Nausea and vomiting

Nausea is the sensation of feeling sick. Vomiting is the expulsion

of gastric contents via the mouth. Both are associated with

pallor, sweating and hyperventilation.

Ask about:

relation to meals and timing, such as early morning or late


associated symptoms, such as dyspepsia and abdominal

pain, and whether they are relieved by vomiting

whether the vomit is bile-stained (green), blood-stained or


associated weight loss

the patient’s medications.

Nausea and vomiting, particularly with abdominal pain or

discomfort, suggest upper gastrointestinal disorders. Dyspepsia

causes nausea without vomiting. Peptic ulcers seldom cause

painless vomiting unless they are complicated by pyloric stenosis,

which causes projectile vomiting of large volumes of gastric

content that is not bile-stained. Obstruction distal to the pylorus

produces bile-stained vomit. Severe vomiting without significant

pain suggests gastric outlet or proximal small bowel obstruction.

Faeculent vomiting of small bowel contents (not faeces) is a late

feature of distal small bowel or colonic obstruction. In peritonitis,

the vomitus is usually small in volume but persistent. The more

distal the level of intestinal obstruction, the more marked the

accompanying abdominal distension and colic.

Vomiting is common in gastroenteritis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis

and hepatitis. It is typically preceded by nausea but in raised

intracranial pressure may occur without warning. Severe pain

may precipitate vomiting, as in renal or biliary colic or myocardial


Anorexia nervosa and bulimia are eating disorders characterised

by undisclosed, self-induced vomiting. In bulimia, weight is

maintained or increased, unlike in anorexia nervosa, where

profound weight loss is common.

Other non-gastrointestinal causes of nausea and vomiting


drugs, such as alcohol, opioids, theophyllines, digoxin,

cytotoxic agents or antidepressants


diabetic ketoacidosis

renal or liver failure


Addison’s disease

raised intracranial pressure (meningitis, brain tumour)

vestibular disorders (labyrinthitis and Ménière’s disease).

Wind and flatulence

Belching, excessive or offensive flatus, abdominal distension and

borborygmi (audible bowel sounds) are often called ‘wind’ or

flatulence. Clarify exactly what the patient means. Belching is due

to air swallowing (aerophagy) and has no medical significance. Fig. 6.6 Abdominal distension due to ascites.

100 • The gastrointestinal system

hypercalcaemia, drugs (opiates, iron) and immobility (Parkinson’s

disease, stroke). Absolute constipation (no flatus or bowel

movements) suggests intestinal obstruction and is usually

associated with pain, vomiting and distension. Tenesmus suggests

rectal inflammation or tumour. Faecal impaction can occasionally

present as overflow diarrhoea.



Haematemesis is the vomiting of blood.

Ask about:

Colour: is the vomitus fresh red blood or dark brown,

resembling coffee grounds?

Onset: was haematemesis preceded by intense retching

or was blood staining apparent in the first vomit?

History of dyspepsia, peptic ulceration, gastrointestinal

bleeding or liver disease.

Alcohol, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)

and glucocorticoid ingestion.

If the source of bleeding is above the gastro-oesophageal

sphincter, as with oesophageal varices, fresh blood may well

up in the mouth, as well as being actively vomited. With a lower

oesophageal mucosal tear due to the trauma of forceful retching

(Mallory–Weiss syndrome), fresh blood appears only after the

patient has vomited forcefully several times.

Ask about:

onset of diarrhoea: acute, chronic or intermittent


• frequency

• volume

• colour

• consistency: watery, unformed or semisolid

• contents: red blood, mucus or pus

associated features: urgency, faecal incontinence or

tenesmus (the sensation of needing to defecate, although

the rectum is empty), abdominal pain, vomiting, sleep


recent travel and where to

recent medication, in particular any antibiotics.

High-volume diarrhoea (>1 L per day) occurs when stool water

content is increased (the principal site of physiological water

absorption being the colon) and may be:

secretory, due to intestinal inflammation, as in infection or

inflammatory bowel disease

osmotic, due to malabsorption, drugs (as in laxative

abuse) or motility disorders (autonomic neuropathy,

particularly in diabetes).

If the patient fasts, osmotic diarrhoea stops but secretory

diarrhoea persists. The most common cause of acute diarrhoea

is infective gastroenteritis due to norovirus, Salmonella species

or Clostridium difficile. Infective diarrhoea can become chronic

(>4 weeks) in cases of parasitic infestations (such as giardiasis

(Giardia lamblia), amoebiasis or cryptosporidiosis). Steatorrhoea is

common in coeliac disease, chronic pancreatitis and pancreatic

insufficiency due to cystic fibrosis. Bloody diarrhoea may be

caused by inflammatory bowel disease, colonic ischaemia or

infective gastroenteritis. Change in the bowel habit towards

diarrhoea can be a manifestation of colon cancer, in particular

cancer of the right side of the colon and in patients over 50 years.

Thyrotoxicosis is often accompanied by secretory diarrhoea or

steatorrhoea and weight loss.

Low-volume diarrhoea is associated with irritable bowel

syndrome. Abdominal pain, bloating, dyspepsia and non-alimentary

symptoms commonly accompany irritable bowel symptoms.

Criteria have been developed to define irritable bowel syndrome

more precisely, taking account of the duration of symptoms, the

presence of abdominal pain and its relationship to defecation,

and the frequency and consistency of stools (see Rome IV criteria

for irritable bowel syndrome).


Clarify what the patient means by constipation. Use the Bristol

stool form scale (Fig. 6.7) to describe the stools. Constipation

is the infrequent passage of hard stools.

Ask about:

onset: lifelong or of recent onset

stool frequency: how often the patient moves their bowels

each week and how much time is spent straining at stool

shape of the stool: for example, pellet-like

associated symptoms, such as abdominal pain, anal pain

on defecation or rectal bleeding

drugs that may cause constipation.

Constipation may be due to lack of dietary fibre, impaired

colonic motility, mechanical intestinal obstruction, impaired

rectal sensation or anorectal dysfunction impairing the process

of defecation. Constipation is common in irritable bowel syndrome.

Other important causes include colorectal cancer, hypothyroidism,

Formerly Reader in Medicine at the University of Bristol.

Fig. 6.7 Bristol stool form scale. Reproduced with kind permission of

Dr KW Heaton, formerly Reader in Medicine at the University of Bristol.

©2000, Norgine group of companies.

The history • 101


colorectal cancer or colonic polyps, inflammatory bowel disease,

ischaemic colitis and colonic angioectasias.


Jaundice is a yellowish discoloration of the skin, sclerae (Fig. 6.8)

and mucous membranes caused by hyperbilirubinaemia (Box 6.6).

There is no absolute level at which jaundice is clinically detected

but, in good light, most clinicians will recognise jaundice when

bilirubin levels exceed 50 µmol/L (2.92 mg/dL).

Ask about:

associated symptoms: abdominal pain, fever, weight loss,


colour of stools (normal or pale) and urine (normal or dark)

alcohol intake

travel history and immunisations

use of illicit or intravenous drugs

sexual history

previous blood transfusions

recently prescribed drugs.

Unconjugated bilirubin is insoluble and binds to plasma albumin;

it is therefore not filtered by the renal glomeruli. In jaundice from

unconjugated hyperbilirubinaemia, the urine is a normal colour

(acholuric jaundice; Box 6.7).

Bilirubin is conjugated to form bilirubin diglucuronide in the

liver and excreted in bile, producing its characteristic green

colour. In conjugated hyperbilirubinaemia, the urine is dark brown

due to the presence of bilirubin diglucuronide. In the colon,

conjugated bilirubin is metabolised by bacteria to stercobilinogen

and stercobilin, which contribute to the brown colour of stool.

Stercobilinogen is absorbed from the bowel and excreted in the

urine as urobilinogen, a colourless, water-soluble compound.


Melaena is the passage of tarry, shiny black stools with a

characteristic odour and results from upper gastrointestinal

bleeding. Distinguish this from the matt black stools associated

with oral iron or bismuth therapy.

Peptic ulceration (gastric or duodenal) is the most common

cause of upper gastrointestinal bleeding and can manifest with

melaena, haematemesis or both. Excessive alcohol ingestion

may cause haematemesis from erosive gastritis, Mallory–Weiss

tear or bleeding oesophagogastric varices in cirrhotic patients.

Oesophageal or gastric cancer and gastric angioectasias (Dieulafoy

lesion) are rare causes of upper gastrointestinal bleeding.

The Rockall and Blatchford scores are used to assess the

risk in gastrointestinal bleeding (Box 6.5). A profound upper

gastrointestinal bleed may lead to the passage of purple stool

or, rarely, fresh blood.

Rectal bleeding

Establish whether the blood is mixed with stool, coats the surface

of otherwise normal stool or is seen on the toilet paper or in the

pan. Fresh rectal bleeding (haematochezia) usually indicates a

disorder in the anal canal, rectum or colon. During severe upper

gastrointestinal bleeding, however, blood may pass through the

intestine unaltered, causing fresh rectal bleeding. Common causes

of rectal bleeding include haemorrhoids, anal fissures (blood on

the toilet paper or in the pan), complicated diverticular disease,

6.5 Prediction of the risk of mortality in patients with upper

gastrointestinal bleeding: Rockall score

Criterion Score


<60 years 0

60–79 years 1

>80 years 2


None 0

Pulse >100 beats per minute and systolic

blood pressure >100 mmHg


Systolic blood pressure <100 mmHg 2


None 0

Heart failure, ischaemic heart disease or

other major illness


Renal failure or disseminated malignancy 3

Endoscopic findings

Mallory–Weiss tear and no visible



All other diagnoses 1

Upper gastrointestinal malignancy 2

Major stigmata of recent haemorrhage

None 0

Visible bleeding vessel/adherent clot 2

Total score

Pre-endoscopy (maximum score = 7) Score 4 = 14% mortality


Post-endoscopy (maximum score = 11) Score 8+ = 25%

mortality post-endoscopy

Reproduced from Rockall TA, Logan RF, Devlin HB, et al. Risk assessment after

acute upper gastrointestinal haemorrhage. Journal of the British Society of

Gastroenterology 1996; 38(3):316, with permission from BMJ Publishing

Group Ltd.

Fig. 6.8 Yellow sclera of jaundice.

6.6 Common causes of jaundice

Increased bilirubin production

• Haemolysis (unconjugated hyperbilirubinaemia)

Impaired bilirubin excretion

• Congenital:

• Gilbert’s syndrome


• Hepatocellular:

• Viral hepatitis

• Cirrhosis

• Drugs

• Autoimmune hepatitis

• Intrahepatic cholestasis:

• Drugs

• Primary biliary cirrhosis

• Extrahepatic cholestasis:

• Gallstones

• Cancer: pancreas,


102 • The gastrointestinal system

Groin swellings and lumps

Ask about:

associated pain

precipitating/exacerbating factors, such as straining due to

chronic constipation, chronic cough, heavy manual labour

and relationship with micturition

timing: when the symptoms are worse.

Hernias are common causes of groin lumps and frequently

present with dull, dragging discomfort (rather than acute pain),

which is often exacerbated by straining and after long periods

of standing or activity. Patients can often manually reduce the

hernia by applying gentle pressure over the swelling or by lying

flat. Other causes of groin swellings include lymph nodes, skin

and subcutaneous lumps and, less commonly, saphena varix

(a varicosity of the long saphenous vein), hydrocoele of the

spermatic cord, undescended testis, femoral aneurysm and psoas


Past medical history

History of a similar problem may suggest the diagnosis: for

example, pancreatitis, bleeding peptic ulcer or inflammatory bowel

disease. Coexisting peripheral vascular disease, hypertension,

heart failure or atrial fibrillation may suggest aortic aneurysm or

mesenteric ischaemia as the cause of acute abdominal pain.

Primary biliary cirrhosis and autoimmune hepatitis are associated

with thyroid disease, and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)

is associated with diabetes and obesity. Ask about previous

abdominal surgery.

Drug history

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