Sunday, October 16, 2022

ممكن تلاقى دواء gabapentin 300 مكتوب فى روشته باطنه ومكتوب معاه omeprazole

 .. وتسأل المريض عن اى مشاكل نفسيه او عصبيه او حتى هو مريض diabetes يقولك لأ ..  

طب يا ترى هو مكتوب ليه ?

هو مكتوب هنا علشان المريض بيعانى من زغوطه hiccups 

مستمرة وعنيفه ومش بتروح مع الادوية التقليديه .. 

وده off lable use  لل gabapentin  

● طب ايه ال mechanism  ..

The mechanism by which gabapentin decreases hiccup is not well understood. It may selectively diminish calcium influx by inhibiting voltage-operated calcium channels in a subset of excitatory and inhibitory presynaptic terminals, thereby attenuating synaptic transmission

■ طب ممكن يستخدم لوحده ولا لازم حاجه معاه 

monotherapy or as an adjunct to other agents [eg, baclofen, cisapride, omeprazole, haloperidol, metoclopramide]) may be of benefit in the treatment of persistent or intractable hiccups 

● dose 

Patients with severe chronic hiccups were treated with gabapentin (300 mg t.i.d.). Doses of gabapentin were titrated based on the response to treatment. 

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